Hawaiian Dolphin Retreats

Dolphin\Spirit of Hawaii

Daily Schedule
"Mastering Joy in These Changing Times" Retreat
We will merge our group energy with dolphin and whale pod mind and angelic vibrations as we open to the depths of our hearts and our souls' radiance. With powerful processes, meditations, sharing, laughter and fun we will move from ego to center of being, from fear to trust, and from doubt to essential joy.

Day 1:
Orientation; snorkel practice and evening introduction

GREETING: We will pick you up at the airport or your hotel in town between noon and 1:30 and take you to the dive shop to rent your gear. Then we will take you to our home to greet our other "podners" from around the globe. We will begin to melt into the warm aloha of paradise as we become fully present amidst gentle Hawaiian ambiance in a welcome meditation, connecting with the dolphins, whales and angels. We will then merge with the ocean, snorkeling together among fish and sea turtles, letting the world slip away while perfecting our snorkel skills and becoming comfortable in the ocean waters. Doug is the expert swim assistant with beginners and is 100% successful in helping people cope with any fear of the ocean. After a delectable meal together we will get to know eachother and learn about the dolphins and whales.

Day 2:
Dolphin Boat Swim; Sharing and Evening Gathering

DOLPHIN BOAT SWIM (INCLUDING WHALE WATCH IN WINTER): This will be the adventure of your life! Early in the morning, we will motor out to meet the dolphins, the joyous excursion lasting four hours. If invited, we will glide among hundreds of wild dolphins, allowing their healing energy to enfold us and their telepathic communication to enter our hearts and minds. After a wonderful swim with the dolphins, we often travel out to meet the pilot whales, where we may have the opportunity of floating among them too! Winter is humpback whale season. We may come upon pilot whales and have the opportunity of getting in the water with them. We often encounter many of these majestic and wise beings on our way to the dolphins and marvel at their friendly visits to our boat. When we return, we will have hours of quiet time to ourselves to slip into dream time, enjoy an optional relaxing massage,.......just be.

AFTERNOON AND EVENING MEETINGS: After hours of rest and alone time, in the afternoon, we will meet together once again to share our experiences. After a delectible meal, we will meet once again to enrich our learning about living in these changing times and resonating with our souls' essence. We will listen for personal channeled messages from Beings of Light.

Day 3:
Dolphin Boat Swim;

Visit to a sacred Hawaiian Heiau and Evening Gathering

DOLPHIN BOAT SWIM (INCLUDING WHALE WATCH IN WINTER): Again, we will be immersed in joy as we often swim eye to eye with these mystical sea angels. The Spinner dolphins have graced us with their joyous presence for over fourteen years,! We will swim with 200 or 300 dolphins most of the time. And, there are times that we have the opportunity of playing with gentle Manta Rays or sea turtles, colorful fish or pilot whales (see photo below). Our time on and in the ocean is magical, fun and takes us into the present moment in bliss. In winter, we often see many humpback whales, who will come right over to our boat, and listen to their powerful song, basking in their deep energy of knowing.

SACRED SITE FOR SUNSET: In the later afternoon, after hours of rest and quiet time, we will take you to a beautiful oceanside sacred site for personal reflection, meditation or ritual, with sparkling waters, gentle aquamarine waves and gorgeous Kona sunsets.

EVENING GATHERING: When we return, after our delicious dinner, we will meet together for processes, meditations and learnings about deep spirituality and how to live in fifth dimensional awareness. We always follow our guidance during the group retreats, as we are in communication with the dolphins, whales and many Beings of Light, and we know and trust that the retreats unfold in perfect harmony with the group needs. We will listen for personal channeled messages from Angels and Masters.

Day 4:
Day of rest and optional Volcano Tour:

"FREE DAY" - NO SCHEDULE: We find that it is important to allow a day with no schedule so we can integrate the experiences and high energies we have been experiencing. This is a delicious time to sleep in, relax, swim, have a massage, shop in charming Kona or join the optional volcano tour.

Pilot WhalesOPTIONAL VOLCANO TOUR ($120): We can sleep in this morning and begin our volcano tour at 10:00am. Experience the dynamic nature of the earth where its primordial forces are still at work creating the newest land on the planet. Depending upon the lava flow, there may be an opportunity to view from afar the red hot flowing lava as it oozes into the ocean- an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime experience! The energy of Pele, Goddess of fire and manifestation, will gift us with her powerful presence as she assists us in letting go of our limitations to our true radiance.

Day 5:
Dolphin Boat Swim
; Afternoon sacred site; Evening gathering

DOLPHIN BOAT SWIM (INCLUDING WHALE WATCH IN WINTER): In the morning, once again, we will spend glorious hours on the ocean on the boat and in the water with the dolphins. We will be immersed in their high frequencies which resonate within our cellular matrix, transforming our minds, bodies and spirits as we move into the fifth dimension with them. We will carry this refined vibration with us wherever we go from this time on. (home retreat - boat swim)

Again, you will have the opportunity of time to yourself for three hours or so....resting, sleeping, reading or having a wonderful optional massage. Later,
we will take you to a different Hawaiian heaiau for sunset and to dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant.

We will meet at 7pm for our evening gathering.

Day 6:
Dolphin Boat Swim; Afternoon gathering; Evening Celebration and Hawaiian Luau

DOLPHIN BOAT SWIM (INCLUDING WHALE WATCH IN WINTER): In the morning, we will once again travel in our boat to swim with hundreds of dolphins and bask in the beauty and awe of the majestic humpback whales (in the winter; pilot whales in summer.) We will be immersed in their high frequencies which resonate within our cellular matrix, transforming our minds, bodies and spirits as we move into the fifth dimension with them. We will carry this refined vibration with us wherever we go from this time on.

LATE AFTERNOON GATHERING: After an afternoon rest we gather again in the later afternoon sharing and learning and celebrating our inner radiance of Spirit, supporting eachother in expressing our truest magnificence of being as we prepare to live a new life of confidence, radiance and clarity of purpose. We will anchor our intention to live in our fullest potential, essential joy and brightest Light.

EVENING CELEBRATION AND HAWAIIAN LUAU: We will celebrate in the sunset ambiance of an oceanside authentic Hawaiian Luau enjoying a delictible meal, graced with colorful entertainment and dancing of the "Drums of Polynesia" troupe. We will be enthralled with their beautiful garments and sacred dances.

Day 7:
Closing gathering and check-out:

CLOSING: In the morning we gather for our final circle of love. Here we have an opportunity to say our farewells and make our last connection, knowing that we will always be one with our new "pod." We sit in meditation, extending our love and Light into the earth and throughout the planet to all beings, coming into the oneness of being. Returning home, vibrating with the love and energy of the dolphins,whales and angles, a new life is possible. The retreat ends at about 11:30a We will drive you to the airport or a hotel in town (you may choose to stay in our home for a few days and rent our guest room.)

***We always follow the dolphins intentions and honor their home. Ninety five percent of the time, They will invite us in to swim with them, and due to their delightfully unpredictable behaviour, we cannot guarantee dolphin swims.

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Energetic Healing Silks for prayer 
			and meditation, to wear, for your sacred space and your home or office.

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