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with Trish Regan & Doug Hackett






Expand the Law of Attraction into balanced higher frequencies,
and your power to create from the core of Being, and bring your
dreams into reality with this new, profound gift from the universe
for these accelerated times!

We are very excited to bring to you this extremely powerful and practical manifesting process. We have been practicing the Law of Attraction for many years (you may have seen the hit movie, The Secret)... basically keeping our focus on what we chose to create and feeling as if we already have it. We found that it would sometimes work and at other times didn't seem to bring our choices into creation.

We received this accelerated process from our Higher Selves one day as we were taking our morning walk in June of 2007. It came through to both of us in the form that you will see in our DVD (click above for more informtaion.) We were astonished because of its simplicity and its complexity of uniting sacred geometry, the balance of masculine and feminine and sacred sound. We have been practicing this process since and find that most of our manifestations are coming into existence consistently. We hope you enjoy this new and exciting process!

This is a gift from the universe ... a clear, practical, expansive process that takes the manifesting techniques we have all been practicing into the higher frequencies of the New Matrix ... the Aquarian energies of radiance, unconditional love and spiritual power.

It creates a piercing radiation of Light into the far reaches of the universe to magnetize to you that which you choose.

The Golden Age is upon us and it is now important to expand our powers of imagination into the higher frequencies of Light in order to bring forth that which is in resonance with the highest universal good.

Let us use the Sacred Union of masculine and feminine as the perfect balance of Passion and Creativity to co-create with Spirit that which we choose to create into our lives. Let us do this not only for ourselves, but for the highest good for the planet, the galaxy and the whole universe!

Let us practice our Power to Create and become the integrated Spiritual Masters of our Reality as we are meant to be!


The physical plane includes all that we can experience with our five senses (matter)... the metaphysical plane (energy) includes that which we cannot sense with these five senses. Quantum physicists call the "field" the boundary between the physical and metaphysical planes. Using this process we are dealing with the relationship between matter and energy.

In the field of multi-dimensionality, the higher vibrational planes are causal to lower vibration. This means that the spiritual plane causes things to happen In the mental plane; the mental plane causes things to happen in the emotional plane; and the emotional plane causes things to happen in the material plane.

Manifestation is important in this age of transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. It allows us to practice our Divinity...as we are all expressions of the Source, the One. We are learning to become the masters of physicality that we are meant to be. As Jesus said, “You can do all of this and more.”

As the earth experiences her ascension into higher frequencies, we can utilize this new, higher vibrational manifestation process to create what it is that serves us on all levels, physical to spiritual. We understand ascension to mean the higher process of integration and balance in all aspects of the physical/earthly plane (psychological, mental, emotional) and living in a higher state of consciousness.

We were shown that to truly access our spiritual power to manifest, we need to be in the balance of the masculine and feminine. Instead of just thinking and feeling what it is that we choose to create, we can use sacred geometry (the relationship between geometry, nature and spirituality) and this balance in a very specific way, which we will show you in our DVD and trainings.

The symbol above, a star tetrahedron or merkabah (a divine light vehicle,) is the matrix of this powerful manifesting process. In the Flower of Life teachings, it is used in a very specific way. We honor that process and for this work, we have been guided to use this sacred form in another way, utilizing the balance of masculine and feminine and sound. It has been said that this geometric form creates spirals of energy, as in DNA, which transport spirit/body from one dimension to another. The merkabah also represents the blending of Heaven and Earth, Masculine and Feminine. We will use it to assist our creations to manifest from our imagination into the physical third dimension.


We would like to share with you an excerpt of an email we received in July of 2007 ... a channeling of Archangel Michael via Cial Fenn ... it is in perfect resonance with this work.

Archangel Michael (via Cial Fenn)
New Cosmic Day

“... creating in Perfect Balance and through Sacred Union. Dearest Ones, in June you honored the Divine Feminine and the energies of the Triple Goddess. In July, and into August, the Divine Feminine comes forward to meet with her Divine counterpart, the Divine Masculine, to create the perfect “fire” or “sacred flame”, known as the “Twin Flame”. This is signified in the skies of your world by the Sacred Union of the two energies at the heliacal rising of Sirius, for Sirius represents the energies of Isis, the Great Mother, and the Sun represents the Male energy of Ra-Herakuti-Osiris. In their Sacred Union, is the perfect balance of Passion and Creativity to co-create with Spirit. And, as you move into the sun sign of Leo, the Goddess manifests as a Fire Goddess, passionate, warm, sensual, the perfect forge for the ultimate transformation of Cosmogenesis.”


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