Testimonials "I am amazed and delighted I was able to release a core fear during the workshop which had resisted twenty years of psychotherapy and meditation. I didn't have to go back and re-experience the trauma. It just melted away without effort during the sequence of meditations." Devani Smith, Ph.D., Retired University Professor "Your work is superb, "essential," and life changing...a gift to humankind. As a result of this Training, I will have more focus on bringing in joy with intention and radiating, have more contact with my Higher Self, go slower and have a determination to break free of the rut!" Connie Clark, Psychotherapist/Coach, Seminar Leader "What an exquisitely splendid two weekends I just had in EJ!!! It was wonderful. I think you two are fabulous and gifted spirits affirmatively spreading what the world needs most - Love, Light and God. You make a great teaching team!" Mary Reed, Corporate Consultant "The experience was incredible. You were able to share your gifts with us in a way that was easily understood yet profound at the same time. Every moment held my attention. I now have skills to ensure I bring balance into every experience in my life. The remembrance of my connection to the One Source and how to bring that more fully into being is one of the many gifts I received." Calvin Merritt, Alberta, Canada "Your efforts inspire me, personally. The stories and meditations really stuck a cord with me....most enjoyable and energetic, thoughtful and insightful." John Olson, Healer and Teacher "After this training I will be living more consciously in the flow and magic of who I am, connected more powerfully to essence. I have been working on being deeply connected to Source - and this was a perfect step toward doing it more profoundly. Thank you for being such bright, powerful, connected stars of joy on the planet." Linda Adams, Healer The
stories and visualizations were most engaging and loved the practical
tools for daily life. The training was great!" "Many, many heartfelt thanks for sharing your process. You are courageous to be examples for us!!" Dana Del Norte, Retired "Wonderful experience! I will use the "needs" information to create more balance, awareness and consciousness within." Deanna Myson, Alberta, Canada "Powerful spiritual experiences...it makes me feel that I am getting more grounded. This is an indication to me that the work you do is grounding and works for living in the here-and-now. Thank you!" Sarah Forsblad, Spiritual seeker "Very powerful! I think the workshop and information you were channeled and ALL that you had to go thru is absolutely amazing and I want you to know that I noticed the changes and the fact that you were like still waters, running deep and UNAFRAID!! WOW!! What a fabulous thing! I am looking at radical trust and all my sources of fear in a new light. These are new life tools and I am most grateful." Debbie Cucalon, Singer/Entertainer |
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Last modified: April 20, 2003